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How long should I run my pool pump each day?

Most pool filtration systems are sized to circulate and filter the water twice in 8 hours. We recommend that you run your pool pump 10-12 hours in the summer and 3-5 hours in winter.

Should I run my pool pump during the day or night?

Because the sun draws chemicals from the pool it is best to run your pool pump during the hottest time of the day.

Is it safe for me to drain my pool?

NO! You should never drain your pool. This is a job for a licensed, experienced and insured professional. Fiberglass pools can float out of the ground like a huge boat. The liners in vinyl pools can shrink in a matter of a few hours.

Running the pool pump can protect the equipment from freezing but is useless if the power goes out.

What should I do with my pool if there may be a freeze? Do I need a freezeguard ?

If pool is closed it is best to drain the water from all of your pool equipment. Pumps, filters, chlorinators, heaters are equipped with freeze plugs or valves to drain the water from them

If you keep your pool open year round freeze guard is a must in order to protect equipment and lines from freeze damage .It will automatically turn the pump on when outside temperature drops below freezing. Freeze guard can be attached to any type of time clock.

Running the pool pump can protect the equipment from freezing but is useless if the power goes out.

How can I tell if my pool is leaking?

When the days are warm and the nights cool evaporation is at it’s highest. If you are not using pool heater or solar panel, pool shouldn’t loose more than 1” per week . Using the ordinary 5 gallon plastic bucket you can perform this simple test to determine if your pool is leaking: 

  • Bring pool water to normal level.
  • Fill bucket with pool water to about 2-4 inches from top.
  • Place bucket on 1st or 2nd step of pool.
  • Mark water level on inside of bucket.
  • Mark pool water level on outside of bucket.
  • Resume normal pump operation.
  • After 48 hours, compare the 2 water levels.
  • If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than inside water level, there is probably a leak.
  • In case of rain repeat the test.
  • This test can be done with gunite, vinyl or fiberglass pools. If your test indicates that pool is loosing water, please contact us and we will gladly help you locate the leak and perform necessary repairs.